Greetings from Brisbane!
At time of writing, I'm keeping three different time zones in my head, just because it makes it easier for me to kind of figure out where I am in the space-time continuum and it also lets me know that I'm currently quite sleep deprived. present.
Malaysian time: 2215hrs
Brisbane time: 0015hrs
New Zealand time: 0315hrs
The airport's busy again.
I find it interesting how airports quieten down and then get noisy and then quieten down again. Its like a living, breathing organism.
And the more and more I think about it, I think I really am a nomad at heart. I love travelling. Even though its not always to exciting new places, I love the fact that I'm on a plane, flying away to a distant land, to another place. I love the fact that when I step off the plane, I'm breathing a different air, I'm walking on different ground, and that my entire existence lives inside my well worn red travel bag.
Heck, I even love airplane food. And looking at how people tend to screw up their faces whenever airplane food is mentioned, I think I've pretty much made it into the Hall of Fame as a travel junkie.
And as of late, there's so many things to think about lately. So many different thoughts and people to catch up with, to talk to, with all their different idiosyncrasies and eccentricness and just to think that I'm this one tiny drop of water in the ocean and I have yet to comprehend how I could live my life without ever knowing the entire lives of other people who lived around Indeed.
I stand in awe, of course. Of the complexity of life itself, of the mind-bogglingness of all the different choices that we can make with just a shake or a nod of the head, that we can guide our own destinies with a word.
I'm obviously sleep-deprived blogging.
Blog again soon!
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