So what are the chances, do you think, that I might actually be chronically depressed? If the definition, and this really depends on how you would actually define it, was correct, then I would be more than just a heavy Internet user. I think I'm probably bordering on the addictive/compulsive/obsessive edge of the equation, depending on how you'd look at it. But the thing is, I've always been quite well known to be the kind of person that's all or nothing.
I was telling the AspiringPerfumer that one day, I would like to be able to rid myself of internet usage. Or at least tone it down to maybe once or twice a week. Likely? Depends.
Just like giving up the fags, you'll need to replace one obsession with another.
So how about it?
[On a completely different note, I think I've got inspiration. AGAIN. Yay for random short blog posts that mean absolutely jack-all to anyone and everyone. And screw Facebook updates. My updates require a lot more than 462 characters, TYVM]
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