09 March 2011

The Bachelor Pad.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I know this post has been waiting for a long time to come out onto print but I’ve just never really gotten around to doing it until I’m stuck in a hotel in Israel listening to the waves crashing on the sandy beaches below. Hee. I’m gloating, can you tell?

Here goes!

So when I first moved to Merlion City, I was initially homeless but temporary accommodation was sorted out by my direct manager who told me, “Oh, we’ve got a place for you to stay. You don’t need to pay rent but you’ve just got to keep the place tidy.”

No rent? K-ching$$!!

So, where is this place?

I arrived, lived there for about 2 weeks or so, and then moved out, leaving what was probably the nicest place I could ever really live in Merlion City.

Its interesting, living here. Due to lack of space, to be able to occupy a space of your own is so highly regarded that the price immediately gets jacked up with it as well. What real estate agents term “1+1” means, 1 bedroom and 1 living room (bathroom and kitchen included but not mentioned) easily fetches up to about a cool 4 grand on the monthly rent. Gulp.

Okay okay…pictures, pictures.

Open the door and you get this.


Through the door on the left hand side, you’ll go into the bedroom and into the bathroom at the very end. The partial door you see on the left wall leads to the kitchen. The raised wooden platform was originally a dining room but ended up being converted into a study. Posh, really.


This is the living room. Mind you, nothing big and extravagant and honest to deities above, Merlion City tv is shockingly unentertaining! I thought at least we would get more channels out of it but noooo…


This is the dining room/study. Nothing to it, really but what was really nice about it was that the air conditioning blew DIRECTLY onto this area. So refreshing after walking back from work. And in Merlion City, when it gets muggy, it gets muggy.


The kitchen. We even had an oven although Lord knows how THAT works. The Girlfriend and I spent about half an hour twisting various knobs and flicking switches but NOTHING ever turned on. Oh well. To the right of the picture includes a washing machine and a dryer. Pretty decent and one of those modern layout places that I tend to prefer quite a bit.


We’ll quickly skip to the bathroom which had inlaid marble tiles. I know, right? The sink was a stupid design though because water just pooled forEVER whenever you were brushing your teeth.


Separate shower and bath. Although for me, personally, I don’t see a point in baths.


And the piece de resistance.

The bedroom was one of those low lying affairs. I bought the duvet and pillows but the mattress was crap. Utterly and totally crap. But hey, at least it had a full wall closet.


I ain’t complaining.

The view from my window was stunning enough.


But when it was nightfall, it became a myriad of sparkles.


But at least for a brief two weeks, I had my very own bachelor pad.


EDIT: I’m tired and I’m out of inspiration. Wayy too many photos that I can possibly use to write a post since my life has suddenly become more interesting post training in the Holy Land but tis late and I’ve got work tomorrow. Bonne Nuit!

1 comment:

  1. You certainly ARE gloating, annoying Pauly pants! Looks good though, the pad, and you are picking up your French which is nice :)

    I miss talking to you!!! Hope you are well.
