15 March 2011


chicken salad 2

Chicken salad. Grilled chicken, diced and tossed with an assortment of veges which from this picture looks like grated carrot, red cabbage, red onions, lettuce, diced tomatoes and for some reason, they ALWAYS forget to give me salad dressing! I’m assuming that it’s a good thing because its au natural and I get less fat calories out of it. But then again, I’m probably putting it all back on by having the two thick slices of home made whole wheat bread freshly baked with a pat of butter. Meh.

Served at the one and only Aroma (well, technically, its not true because there’s more than one branch but I go to this one often because of its proximity to the Workplace), its been the HEALTHY alternative because after having consumed the deliciously juicy and sinful plates of char kway teow day after fricking day for 2 whole weeks, I’ve gained a few pounds. In the wrong places.


This dish was my breakfast and dinner for the 2 weeks I was in Merlion City which understandably led to me looking more kway teow-y around my midsection.

So hence, I’ve been flagellating pampering myself with daily joint mobility sessions, yoga stretches and hard bursts of Tacfit Commando, a bodyweight only exercise programme that’s supposed to leave me looking shredded and HAWT.

Hah. If only. Sigh.

I’ve gone through 2 micro-cycles at the mo and I’ve got about another 5 to go so this should be entertaining for now. +D

And no, no, I’m not doing any advertising as much as those links look suspicious. I’m just stating what I’ve been doing with my free time. Tis all.

Got an exam coming up day after tomorrow. Whoop dee fscking doo. Heh.


A little doodle that I was doing whilst trying to figure out how to treat the patient effectively. And honestly, I was THINKING! Not just drawing…but the teaching assistant said it looked nice. Hee. *shy*

Anyways. Late night. Gotta go look around the insides of my eyelids now.


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