21 June 2013


Your eyes sparkle, she says. 

What does that mean? I asked, a smile twitching at my lips. That said, people have said weirder things to me before. 

Your eyes, she again insists. They sparkle when you dance. I have never seen you this happy any other time of the day. 

Oh, come off it! I make a modest attempt at blushing. You know that is just ridiculous!

But it's true, isn't it? Tell me, what moves you? What else in your normal day makes you feel on top of the world apart from dancing? 

The world grows quiet. Just for a moment.

And then the question drowns in a rush of noise and haze. 

I've been growing through a bit of a rough patch. Yes yes, no doubt, my blog posts sound all good and fluffy and happy bunny rabbits jumping all over the place but those who truly know me knows that it's barely temporary cover. Yesterday, the first time in a long while, I posted an angry, full of swears, status update on Facebook. You know, it's one of those passive aggressive statements that is supposed to make people wonder what is going on and to question you about whether you're all right. It's stupid and really childish. In fact, I'm going to remove that. Hold on.

All right. Done.

It doesn't take a genius to see that, sometimes.

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