Pardon me for the retarded English. But its 11 at night, I’ve been glaring at the computer screen/my course book all day since 10 this morning and I’m honestly getting tired of it all.
My exams are in two days time. And I think its been so long since I actually wanted to do well in my line of work. So many things hang on the balance here and to just say, “Oh, don’t worry about it. No pressure. You know your stuff” isn’t quite enough.
I wished it was.
So here’s some pictures of stress relief that I had today. In adequate quantities.
This with a decent cuppa and 2 slices of white buttered toast. Probably explained why I felt so sleepy near noon time whilst trying to study.
And this was rustled up with some ingredients because I’m running short of the 300 quid that I initially took out at Heathrow Airport. This was good too but imagine double servings and PLUS, 2nd serving was piled sky high. Sooooo good. Serotonin overdose, for sure!
Me tired now. =( Night night.
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