30 March 2011


I’ve passed my exams.

Sure, not particularly a brilliant score but considering previous physio exams and the resulting marks, I must say that this result isn’t shabby at all. B+ compared to barely-scratched-the-passing-score. Meh.

So tonight, the Walking Hormone, Eeee1 and I sat down to green curry chicken soup, fried chicken from a local takeaway and homemade tossed salad and we lifted tumblers of white wine for the fact that we have now passed and that we can now breathe a sigh of relief as all the energy of the last 5 weeks have been channeled…and worth it.

Two more days in the Commonwealth HQ and then I’ll be back in Merlion City.

No pictures today, sorry, although there are photos I have yet to upload.

Thank you everyone for your well wishes and in particular to the Sociologist who told me all the answers that I needed to hear but didn’t want to.

And big ups to the Girlfriend for having to put up with radio/phone/email silence from me whilst I was gnashing my teeth wondering whether I’d fail. You’re a darling.


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