10 April 2011

Sunday afternoon.

I’m chilling out at Starbucks loafing off the free wireless while I suck down a Dark Mocha Frappucino. I’m trying to ignore the fact that the calories in it will probably equate to like 3000 pull ups and I can barely lift myself now. Meh.

I’ve got a few pictures that I should probably upload since its been a while since I’ve done a picture blog.


This is my name on a grain of rice. Got it in Israel and on the other side of it is my name written in Hebrew.


And as much as I hate being one of these people, I’ve definitely become one of them. I looked up from reading my ebook on my phone and just HAD to take a picture of this. EVERY SINGLE FRICKING person in front of me was looking down at their smartphones. Cool? Not really. Definitely a slave to technology.


And me being a total geek completely flipped out after finding that Starcraft has a BOARD game! Didn’t buy it as I would have completely emptied my wallet and sold my liver to buy it. I’d rather live a few more years…


An Israeli sunset to end the post. This was after the visit to Jerusalem and where I laid my hands on the remainder of Solomon’s Temple.

I’m busy with house-hunting today. And this caught my eye while I was surfing for places online and it cracked me up. Best laugh I’ve had today.

Enjoy, people! For me, I’m off to find some grub.

1 comment:

  1. When I was here for a week, I got a data plan on my prepaid number. And when I landed this time round, I reapplied for the plan within half an hour of my feet touching Singaporean soil. Slave to technology indeed...
