27 May 2011



I came to a sudden realisation today that I think in my personal circle of friends, I actually know quite a number of girls who are um…well, lets just say that they prefer their own gender in romantic relationships. I’m not too sure that I want this blog to pop up whenever the L word is typed into a search engine. And I don’t mean love. Oh hell, no.

I know friends of friends who are actively in L relationships, friends who have slight or curious tendencies, friends who have been hit on and have hit on others and at one stage, one of my friends came out to me. Not that it made a difference in our friendship, though. I’ve always been quite accepting of other people’s different preferences. So what if you like papayas more than bananas?  Doesn’t bother me one bit.

Call me old-fashioned. ‘Cos that’s what I definitely am. I still believe in good old boy chase girl, boy gets girl relationships. But what is it nowadays that kinda makes me wonder about the quality of relationships nowadays. Is it because that men are failing to provide or be adequate relationship partners to women? Is it because men themselves are losing their own masculinity that women find it easier to find it amongst themselves? Is it because of the empowerment of women? Is it because that honestly, women don’t need men and we are just nice to look at but realistically, not worth it?


Interesting concept. I definitely don’t know the answers to those questions.


On a completely different note, work is a bit tiring today. I spent about 3.5 hours warming a seat at a local hospital without seeing ONE patient. On the upside, that particular hospital sent two patients in the direction of our clinic, which is great but honestly, I needed something better to do with my time than to finish two books on my e-reader.

Stress has also been piling up at the Workplace, with different people giving me different bits of feedback about different things. I’m honestly glad that I’m still junior staff and I haven’t worked here too long. Or maybe its because of my “laidback” attitude where I just roll with the punches, take things in my stride and just let the chips fall where they may. Huh. I just used three phrases for laidback in one sentence. But I definitely find that it helps. Smile and move on, they say. Makes it a lot easier to breathe too.

Weekend’s coming. And apparently, the Girlfriend is going to surprise me. So yay for awesome girlfriend surprises!


1 comment:

  1. Haha! xD Cute! *referring to the latter*

    As for the former, perhaps, yes. But I still prefer men because women are so complicated. Yes, women may understand women more but it gets to drama and bitchy with the wrong women. That's just my view and preference. :)

    Yeeee... the code is braticks =.=
