27 May 2011

Music on Hold

I know that we can all be friends
I know that this will never end
I know that we can all be friends
I got the message that you sent
I think that I know what you meant
I know that we can all be friends

I picked this tune up from trying to contact a patient the other day. This song played repeatedly as I was put on hold. And in the end, I couldn't even get through. Meh. 
Today, I think I proved to myself that I really am NOT a customer service person. A patient rang up today, rude as hell, and I was more than willing to tell him to go and fill his orifice with a certain male appendage. 

Obviously, there may be some latent anger issues abound. 
I'm also continuing to work on the patient pamphlet which is nearly done and I think I can haphazardly add Adobe Illustrator to my CV. Honestly, why didn't I just do graphic design/software engineering? Or even Creative Media would have been a thought. Although nearly driving myself over a cliff trying to figure out how these programmes work, I can't guarantee that I won't lose my mind either. 
Its been a day. I wonder if I'm actually getting enough sleep at night. Hm.

I'm also hoping to torture myself with a new exercise programme that I've got on my computer so that's going to be exciting. Although I wonder if a nap prior would be handy...does that kind of negate the reason for exercising in the first place? The entire programme probably lasts about like 25 mins but I'm wondering if I'll be able to stand or not the next day. Hm.
A lot of "hm"s going on today.

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