12 February 2013

To be introverted.

It doesn't take much to diagnose who or what I am. Not that much, anyway.

I'm quiet, reserved, appreciate my sense of humour and a small, intimate gathering of people.

I do not always appreciate large crowds, a lot of things happening at once, having to interact with people that I am not familiar with, getting it of said comfort zone, and necessarily learning something new.

Funnily enough, I enjoy being in the limelight, admired, praised, exalted (heh), and all that. But at the end of it all, leave me alone with my cup of coffee/tea/hot choccie. I do not feel the need to talk to you.

So when this popped up in an acquaintance's Google + update, I had to read it. And I heartily agree.

The Higher Authorities have always commented that I was very particular and fussy about my personal preferences. Yes, it's true, I do like things just so and Heaven help you if you decide to make me break my stride. I guess there isn't anything too major about me though.

I'm not the kind of person who craves heaps of attention or needs to be left alone just because. I can actually meet people for lunch or hang out for the sake of it. Apples and oranges, perhaps?

Anyway, from a tech update side of things, there's now a dedicated official Blogger app for those of you on Android. There's been mixed reviews about it although it seems like the majority of people like it so far. And this blogpost is written on phone so for those of you interested in blogging on the go, this might work out for ya.

Holidays are ending and I'm heading back to Merlion City in two days time. Was just getting comfortable in not working. Lol.


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