08 September 2013

So what am I up to recently?

The quiet once again beckons.

I'm sitting in a completely dark room. The modem glows its customary yellow and blue lights to indicate that somewhere out there, fields of data is being transmitted as if by magic into my computer and these words that I'm typing are being transmitted out. My MacBook Air keyboard glows, making my job of hunting keys a little easier. Scary, huh? No wonder why our ancestors probably thought any new inventions were the works of the Devil.

[That said, I've got my eye on Chromebooks but the only one offering backlit keys is the Chromebook Pixel and it's OMG, SO EXPENSIVE!]

Sooo. Pretty. Courtesy of regmedia.co.uk
I'm making it more of an aim now to do at least one consistent blog post a week and making sure that I'm not just typing rubbish/gibberish to fill up the space.

I'm also typing in a webapp called Writer (really cool app on the Chrome Web Store, by the way, but focuses on minimalism so using pics or videos and YouTube links isn't exactly possible) so there may be only words and nothing more to entertain you. I'm sure you understand, yes?

Nothing much has been happening as of late here in Merlion City. The Company is apparently, pretty impressed that I was able to lecture to the public regarding knee osteoarthritis (they somehow managed to miss the part where I wrote state representative - public speaker in the 'ole CV) and they're gonna sit down and discuss my "future" in the Company. Scary and yet, I can't really give a damn.

Dance, as usual, is awesome and I'm still loving every second of it. I only wished that it would grow at an exponential rate and really kick things off here in Merlion City.

I'm also joining the Commando Challenge, which is an obstacle race in December set by 2 ex British SAS officers - should be fun. That said, I need to get my fitness levels up to speed and nothing more exciting than a possible chance of death by mud pit, I guess? The Brother and I are doing a Burpee Challenge where we start off with Day 1 and the 1st burpee and increase it by a burpee per day. So Day 10, 10 burpees. Day 65, 65 burpees. Good heavens, that will be fun when it gets to that point. Also told the brother that videos would need to be taken in the event that one of us starts becoming less accountable than usual.

The Girlfriend is home from a weeklong holiday and I'm excited that I get to hug her to sleep tonight.

Oh wells, that's it then. Time for cuddles.


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