17 July 2012


My head remains empty.

Every morning when I wake up, it takes me so much just to drag myself out of bed and to get ready for work.

The Girlfriend chatters away happily in the morning, talking about work or attempts to wake me up by poking me in various bodily regions. I'm still drowsy regardless.

It takes a lot out of the mind, I feel.

Things are moving, albeit slowly, and I feel like I'm only getting in the way.

Like today, for example.

Its a quiet day today.

I've got two patients to see because one of my initial consults cancelled this morning. So I'm suddenly freed up to do a lot more stuff. But I don't feel like doing anything.

So I'm doing little bits and pieces here and there, a bit of paperwork, a bit of video editing, and that's it. Keeps me busy.

Dear heavens, you can imagine how I'm longing for the weekend.

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