More and more, I'm swerving towards the dark side of no technology.
Yes, I still play computer games. Yes, I still use a computer when I deal with work. That's the main times that I'm getting funky with a keyboard.
But my phone died yesterday and I just realised how much a part of me it was.
Reading the latest 9gag posts, it kind of made me think about how much I used. Whether as an e-reader or juts listening to music, this damn piece of plastic is literally in my hands all the time if I'm not on a computer or eating or sleeping.
*that said, it sounds as though I do nothing else. Baaaaaaddddd...*
At the moment, the phone screen is doing some kind of death jig and I'm missing out on phone calls, Whatsapp conversations, and the ability to read my book. Ugh.
But when it comes down to the basics, I guess I don't actually need such a high-and-mighty phone.
I could always carry a book in my bag. After all, since my phone died, when the Girlfriend and I have meals out and we're waiting for food, she takes out her phone to check Facebook or Instagram and then I'm kinda stuck with nothing to do but to observe my fingernails. So it does get a bit boring sometimes.
I've also got my moleskine that I haven't been using enough that I could use to blog if necessary but then again, I tend to need some place to sit and write. Jotting things down on my lap doesn't alway make for legible reading.
But the fingers get kind of fidgety without a smartphone to play with or to read. I guess its for the best, though. There's no need to keep looking at a screen all day. There's a whole world out there, right?
Or so I tell myself. Let's see what happens when my phone is fixed and I'm back up and running down the tech track again. +)
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