It's easier to daydream.
A man repeatedly tries to commit suicide by throwing himself over the edge of a cliff. But every time he is hurtling towards his impending doom, a breeze would swoop by and like a gentle giant's hand, would cradle him and lower him to the ground.
Frustrated at his efforts, he tries other avenues to achieve success. Razor blades, insane amounts of bleach and other household cleaning liquids not meant for human consumption, bullets by the cargo load, everything failed.
And at the climax of another miserably failed attempt to kick the mortal coil, he screams out in desperation, "Why?"
And out of the quietness, out of the hovering darkness around him, a quiet voice whispers, "You sure you wanna do this?"
It's been easier to daydream.
My phone crapped out on me 2 weeks ago and since then, I had to use GrannyGoose's old Blackberry. And I ended up loving it.
One thing I'm really liking about Blackberry phones at the moment is the fact that its plain and simple. No funky graphics, no complicated gizmos. Really plain and simple. I even got used to the physical keyboard which was something I absolutely despised previously. But now, even with my big flash phone back on me, I'm pining slightly for the long battery life, the keyboard which allows me to type EXACTLY whatever I want, phone calls that are clear and non complicated, and best of all, the NON TOUCHSCREEN display. Never thought that would be an issue for me but it ended up being a huge thing.
I also liked it because I stopped looking at my phone every time I got a little bit bored. I had to tell myself that I will check my rss feeds, comics, and such other activities when I get to a computer. Prior to that, I would stick to having a physical book in hand or actually attempting to make conversation with the people around me. That failing, I started reading a lot more. Heh.
Browsing for Blackberry phones is such a drag though. Its a dying ecosystem and I know that it'll probably drive itself to extinction pretty soon. Unfortunate.
But its easier to daydream.
I used to struggle to daydream. I would sit and gaze off into space and then get distracted when my phone buzzes to check another Whatsapp message. I could GChat whenever I wished. I could browse the Net, surf 9gag, pick up tips from Lifehacker, chuckle on Cracked, and catch up on all the tech goss with the Engadget widget. But then I found out that I was literally connected all the time. That scared me a little.
Now, I find that I can drift off into a lapse where I can play out scenarios in my head once again. It's nice to be able to do that. It really is.
On that note, I'm incredibly tired.
Probably of all the computer screen staring that I've been doing today.
So tootles for now.
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