I always tell people I'm lucky.
I tell them, "I'm born under a lucky star" or that "When I was born, the stars aligned in the sky and then I'm just been showered upon with luck ever since." For the religious types, I use the oft quoted phrase, "I'm blessed."
But I guess, indeed, I am.
Yeah, sure I'm a bit disgruntled with where I am in life. I'm still looking for more options out there regarding my career, my lifestyle, where I want to be. I have my sights set on high lofty goals which I am too chicken to do anything about so that's probably why I still have something to blog about.
But I'm getting to that stage of my life where the damn cursed wanderlust is kicking in again. And perhaps its more than just that, you know?
Last night, whilst chilling with the Girlfriend during dinner, I found myself in the mood to not do much at all with my current situation. Preferably, I would have liked to have submitted my resignation letter to my current employer and call it a day. However, my common sense of self-preservation decides to deny me that small self satisfactory action by reminding me that there still needs to be a roof over my head and food on my table. A starving tiger cannot be a plump tiger, right?
But you know how sometimes, there must be something more to the current life that you're living in? I
I really cannot say that I am unsatisfied.
I'm living in an awesome room, the Girlfriend is a dream come true (save the little squabbles about my levels of hygiene), I have a job that pays me double of what I would usually get working in a normal company/hospital with my level of experience.
I guess I have to count my blessings more often.
But you know, I do not think it is as simple as a matter of waking up and thanking the Almighty for the wonderful things. Call me ungrateful, because that is what I probably am. Ingrate. Meh.
Day's coming to an end though. But I'm finding myself being pushed towards the more teeter-y side of the chessboard.
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